Chamber music

Dues peces
(1986) 3’30’
Piece awarded in 2nd Concurs de Joves Compositors de l’Institut Català de Serveis de la Joventut

(1988) 9’10”
clarinet in B flat and piano
Piece awarded in 4th Concurs de Joves Compositors de l’Institut Català de Serveis de la Joventut

(1990) 7′
one percussionist

(1990) 3’30”
clarinet in B flat and corno di bassetto

Quartet de corda nº 1
(1991) 9’30”
2 violins, viola and violoncello

Cantionis Modalis
(1992) 5’20”
violin, violoncello and piano

Variacions sobre una cançó del trobador Peirol
(1993) 4’10”

Com un somni
(1994) 2’40”

Tres cançons de la Roda del temps
(1994) 5’40”
voice and piano
poems by Salvador Espriu
Piece awarded in 10th Concurs de Joves Compositors de l’Institut Català de Serveis de la Joventut

Quan silenciós romangui el meu sospir
(2015) 9’50”
three songs for voice and piano
poems by Lluís Sintes

Les estacions (The Seasons)
(2016) 10′
Five songs cycle for voice and piano
poems by Lluís Sintes